Mom Knows Best

Useful information intended for college students and graduates starting out on their own, from daily living tips, to recipes, freebies, budgeting and much, much more.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

It Is Practically a Forbidden Word

In our house, it is lovingly referred to as the "G" word (shhhh......don't let my daughter see that I am mentioning it in my blog today - - so sorry, Sarah!). Any guesses? G-R-A-D-U-A-T-I-O-N! It’s not that it isn't something to be proud of, something you have been aiming for these past four years, something very exciting and memorable, something worth celebrating! It is all of those and more, but without belaboring the point, graduation can be mixed with the bittersweet of leaving the familiar behind: the comfort of a college you love, the place you call home, surrounded by the friendships you adore and depend upon daily, the opportunity to continually try new courses and new extra curricular activities, all on “CST” (college standard time). Certainly it is hard to let go of a good thing.

Making this transitional time even more challenging is the big question: what next? And then there is an even bigger question: what to do next when the state of the economy is at odds with job hunting. There are a lot of big questions and not a lot of easy answers. However, do not despair; you have a lot in your favor. You are young and resilient, and your first opportunity will certainly not be your last. This will just be one stepping stone to your future - - a bright one.

This is a huge topic, with many subtopics. Having a senior in college, I have done more than my fair share of reading up on the issues. Over the next few weeks I will continue to address this big next step in some of my postings.

In the meantime, check out this recent article in the Boston Globe, by Christin Bolzan, entitled “Who will hire the Class of 2009?” The author puts a relatively positive spin on this somewhat daunting task. Your homework for today: give it a quick glance. It offers some great practical ideas for a variety of majors.

It took you time to find your niche in college. A new and equally promising niche awaits you. It will happen. Most importantly, keep that positive attitude and keep moving forward! There is life after college.

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